Octogenarian Love

It was so long ago that i almost forgot ,
these years have dimmed those moments to flashes of memory
But as i sit today in my comfy chair and drink the coffee,
I watch the sun illuminate my love’s photo and out it comes.

A young man standing under a tree ; waiting ,
catching one flower in his hand to give to another one that was to walk by,
She appears and the wait is rewarded ,
for she is a truly beautiful sight.

Time shifts as memories flow ,
the couple ensconced in each others arms,
the glow of new love shining through,
as they murmur promises about future to be made.

Pleasure is milestoned in another moment, when
demure and coy , the lovers consummate,
their young attempts built on trust and confidence ,
as they build a momentum to be carried throughout life.

The laughter of kids mark the next ,
the delights of parenthood , the giggles , smiles and cries,
the toddlers attempts bring tears of joy to them, and when
he looks into his partners eyes ,he knows he is lucky to be a part of this wonder.

They walk away on the path, not of time, as
now the children are grown up , the teens
taking control of their lives, and as they turn to wave back
pride suffuses my heart and I know tis’ the same of my consort.

Fear creeps on my heart , as I look into doctor’s eye,
for they betray their inability to halt the march of death,
not of me , but my beloved’s and i know my heart beats are numbered,
Because I cant go on without her.

She puts up a strong front , not for her sake but ours ,
she plays with the young ones and make them smile , and
telling stories , even as she plays her last role ,
Her vigour stands a strong contrast to my crippled energy mired in pain.

And so the day dawns on the last page in her book,
as I turn to my side and gaze on her face to know ,
that my flickering light has gone out , and I know
that just as tears filling my eyes blur her form from me ,
so i know she has passed onto the obscure passes of the void.

And so as my body rocks back in my chair , the torrent comes to an end,
the little fights and compromises , the decisions and dichotomies we had,
And mostly the joys and sorrows , we steered on the crests of sweet and bitter waves,
Oh , how I wish i could turn the clock back !

But nay , as I wipe my eyes off the past ,
I feel her beside me , her warmth surrounding me ,
in a hug that reminds me that she’s always there.
And I smile at hers in the photo , as I remember its Yesterday Once More.up-movie-carl-and-ellie

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